As Topps developed various series of Wacky Packages stickers over the course of four decades, editors commissioned many works of product parody art that were never printed. Collector Duane Dimock coined the term "Lost Wackys" in the early 1990s to describe these unpublished paintings, which have become a topic of great interest in the Wacky Packages hobby community.
It is likely that few outside of Topps were aware of the unpublished paintings in their inventory until 1989, when Topps held an auction at Guernsey's in New York City. Several "Lost Wackys" were sold among 360 paintings offered. Duane Dimock bought two of them in the auction, "Monsterettes" and "Midget Rice."
Since these pieces had never before been printed, Dimock understood that he owned the rights to reproduce them. In 1993 he published his first "Lost Wackys" series and sold them nationally through distributors which serviced hobby stores. In 1998, Dimock published a second set with "Fool-Aid" and "Buggies."
As the Wacky Packages hobby became larger and more well-connected in the 1990s and into the 2000s, collectors came into contact with Topps employees and freelancers and learned of more unpublished art. It was even discovered that several entire series were not released: Wacky Magazine Stickers, Wacky Toys, and the 1992 Wacky Packages series among them.
In 2005, another enthusiast launched, a web site devoted to product parody art that might otherwise go unappreciated.